Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fund raising and fur raising

First off, Caring hasn't yet caught on that we're trying to save up money collected from Blobbo's pockets to rent a car or buy a ticket out of this place. Jax boy can lift a twist tie or hair thingie like a pro and dump it into his water, but he keep dropping nickels and dimes everywhere. Caring discovers them and keeps blaiming them on Blobbo. Which I guess is good, but I'd prefer Jax put them in the bank we've got in the basement.

Speaking of Blobbo, in the space of 30 minutes yesterday, he slammed Jax's tail in the microwave and stepped on my foot. 700 pounds on a tiny paw hurts like heck. Jax said he did it once before, slamming their former cat's tail in the basement door.

To top it off, the whole family thought it was funny watching me jump for a bug I couldn't get. They videotaped the thing and laughed their stupid human heads off. Next time a bug appears INSIDE, I'm going to put it in Caring's bite guard that she wears at night.

In case you want a laugh at my expense, check out the video below.

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